Point Plan

June 2, 2021 2023-08-24 11:47

Point Plan

Brotherhood of Europa Official International Platform

Certified into Existence on April 29, 2023

Written by: Bax Atos Xore, Lichtschlag, Anders Hallander


  1. All creatures do best when living in accordance with nature. Humans are no different. When we act against our nature, chaos and a lower-quality of life are inevitable. Whites of European descent have always been gifted thinkers, craftsman, and inventors, but we’re being hampered in our development. The Brotherhood of Europa will respects the natural order of things. We will help indigenous Europeans and their descendants develop their skills in various disciplines. Together we can use these skills to improve our communities like never before.
  2. Humans are social animals. We naturally seek companionship among those of a similar race, culture, and personality to ourselves. Western society isolates us as a means of population control. While isolated, we’re fed distractions meant to suppress our resistance. This forced isolation has been felt profoundly among the White population. The Brotherhood of Europa will rebuild the trust and unity that once bonded White Europeans everywhere. It is vital that we foster communities – locally, nationally, and internationally – comprised entirely of descendants of the indigenous peoples of Europe. This is the only way to end our isolation and revitalize passion for our heritage.
  3. All men deserve respect and dignity. White males are mistreated and erroneously blamed for various issues in the world. We recognize the historical and cultural significance of White men. It would be impossible to list their many contributions to the world. Likewise, White women have been degraded. The very concept of womanhood is being willfully destroyed. We owe a debt to the White women who have raised families, run households, and taken on a litany of other difficult jobs for the betterment of our communities. By celebrating our heritage and living up to our potential, we will restore a sense of dignity and pride to White people everywhere.
  4. Children are the foundation of our future. Parents must regain control of their children’s fitness and education. Parents must be free to send their children to the school of their choosing. Children should never be indoctrinated into any unnatural ideologies. Healthy sporting activities are vital to keep our upcoming generations in the best shape for building our future. Through community fitness and education initiatives, we can ensure the healthy development of children in our communities.
  5. European cultures and religions of all kinds are valuable. We place no restriction on the celebration of these cultures, nor do we celebrate one European culture over another. We value all people of European blood. The only faiths we oppose are those that are inherently nihilistic, anti-European, or otherwise malicious towards our peoples. We demand the exposure and denunciation of all unnatural or otherwise anti-European ideologies. We will do everything within our power to preserve European cultures.
  6. Work is necessary for human fulfillment. Everyone should work for the betterment of their families, communities, and nations. Able-bodied people who are unwilling to work should not receive indefinite financial support. Europeans have always had a strong work ethic and a willingness to serve the wider community without expectation of a reward. To those seeking work, the Brotherhood of Europa offers Whites of European descent the chance to make a real impact in the world. By joining us you will contribute to a number of projects that will improve your community and sharpen your skills.
  7. We have a right to privacy. Governments and corporations must be prevented from collecting, storing, transmitting, or otherwise utilizing our personal information in ways that we have not explicitly consented to. Governments must be prevented from using private corporations as middlemen to violate our rights. It should be made illegal for our governments to buy our data, or to collect that data passively through smart devices. Otherwise we have no true right to privacy.
  8. Large corporations and international banks control the global financial system. Regular people are treated as cattle for these power players to harvest. Elaborate systems of debt are used to enslave our people, forcing us to pay endlessly towards sums that are constantly rising due to interest. This practice is known as usury. Society glorifies wealth, but usury makes accumulating wealth nearly impossible for modern day Whites. Having seen the brutality inherent in usury, we seek an end to debt slavery. Through education and discipline, we can avoid being ensnared in these debt traps, and we will work to keep our peoples free of them.
  9. We believe in free speech, especially within a person’s private life or when acting as individuals. Simultaneously, it is important that our media be free from malicious influences. The same large financiers that control us through debt slavery are also in control of the media. Half a dozen international conglomerates control virtually all of the media you’re allowed to see. This extreme consolidation has been devastating for every White culture. We’re fed nonstop malicious propaganda from the moment we’re born. Media manipulates public opinion and influences our patterns of thinking. Information monopolies must be dissolved. The dissemination of anti-White propaganda, the promotion of unnatural ideologies, and the suppression of information relevant to the public should no longer be tolerated.
  10. The Brotherhood of Europa is a peaceful, non-violent, law-abiding organization. We do not encourage acts of violence. Self-defense is not an act of violence—it is an act of preservation. We are advocates of self-defense. If someone acts with violent intent, towards you or another person in your vicinity, you have the right to defend yourself and others. No person should be expected to endure violence without attempting to protect themselves.