
June 2, 2021 2023-08-24 11:49


We should all be proud of what our ancestors accomplished, and thankful to them for the struggle they endured. We can’t allow their success to slip away. Indigenous Europeans and their descendants have been weakened. Outside forces have usurped the great empires built by our ancestors and they have used the democratic systems that we designed to suppress us. Our enemies seek to destroy Pan-European culture and fracture our common bond through miscegenation and globalization.

The youth of our nations willingly submit to enslavement via a new culture rooted in superficial hedonism. White people of all nations are being abused, exploited, and terrorized. Our enemies are dishonorable and will stop at nothing to destroy us. They use threats, violence, lies, and psychological abuse as their primary means of accomplishing their goals. We at the Brotherhood of Europa stand against such terrorism with peaceful, legal means. We will not stoop to their barbarism. In contrast to our foes, we utilize education and truth to better our communities.

There are only two paths that we can follow: one leads to extinction and the other to revitalization. To regain control of our destiny, White people must set aside minor differences and unite over common blood. We must build a community to support, uplift, and advocate for the rights of our race. Our blood – our shared heritage – is what naturally unites us. The natural way should be the way of our people.

The indigenous peoples of Europe are responsible for the niceties the world now takes for granted. We have been a primary driving force in the development of art, culture, technology, and knowledge. We should be rightly celebrated for our contributions to medicine, engineering, and societal organization. Instead, we are treated as though we are responsible for every ill in the world. Any perceived sin of our ancestors, true or false, is laid on our shoulders. No other group is so maligned!

As a people united by blood and culture, we have a duty to continue our heritage. If this continuity had been broken previously, none of us would exist to begin with. Thus, to fail in this regard is to doom our descendants to oblivion. Should we slip into nihilism and allow ourselves to disappear, every struggle of our ancestors will be rendered pointless. Thousands of hard-fought battles will be newly lost by our failure to maintain those victories—the countless glories of our respective folk will be thrown into the garbage like common trash. We cannot – and will not – allow that to happen.

The Brotherhood of Europa is devoted to the aid and betterment of all peoples of indigenous European descent. We believe that no White person should be treated unfairly because of their race or ancestry. No White person should go hungry, nor should they go without safe shelter. No White person should shoulder the blame for the ills of society, nor should they be psychologically abused into a state of perpetual self-hatred and guilt. White people have a right to form healthy communities, just as every other race does. We seek no special treatment—just the same advocacy that every other group is allowed to enjoy.

Core Ideology

We respect all European traditions. Our goal is not to promote one European group above others, nor is it to spread a particular religion. We are only opposed to faiths that are anti-White, anti-European, or otherwise in favor of nihilistic hedonism. In our eyes, a Christian man of British descent and a Pagan man of French descent are equal, even if they belong to different cultural heritages. We recognize the cultural and traditional differences between European groups, but we also see a wealth of shared history and accomplishments. Thus, we advocate for all Whites, regardless of where they come from.

White people deserve to love themselves, their folk, their culture, and their heritage. We will no longer sit by and idly watch every other group celebrate their racial pride while we are told that we are uniquely evil. Our children must be raised to understand that there is no shame in being White. There is no problem with forming White communities. The beauty of White culture is to be venerated, not hated.

Having a preference for your own race and wanting the best for your people does not translate into hatred for other races and cultures. When a racial preference is displayed by a non-White race, it is celebrated, but when Whites want to exercise this same preference they are demonized. Every race and ethnicity deserves its own homeland and, as Whites, we should encourage the formation of these separate ethnostates. Not only do we wish to rejuvenate White people and White society, but we also seek to help other races in their quest for their own similar societies. Rather than being tricked into a constant cycle of blaming Whites and forming victim complexes, we want to see other races reach their own true potentials. Being pro-White is not the same as being against every other race.

Whites have largely forgotten what is good in life, choosing instead to slip into a hedonistic numbness as we fill our lives with addictions to super-stimuli and nutrition-less slop. We have forgotten this simple fact: the continuation of oneself – and thus of one’s group – is the prime directive of all living things. This behavior can be witnessed across plants, insects, aquatic life, mammals, and all the races of mankind. No one can fault a European man for loving his European children and wanting a European future for them.

That is exactly what we at the Brotherhood of Europa wish to nurture: a future where White people prosper. A world where White children are raised with a love for White culture. A society where everyone is allowed to celebrate their traditions without shame.

To achieve this, we must discard silly notions of hyper-individualism. It is easy to see that our children are extensions of ourselves, as we ourselves are extensions of our parents. Our distant ancestors and our future progeny are but invisible extensions of our living family, and we owe them our lives. Our ancestors survived ice ages, plagues, and other unimaginable hardships, all simply to allow us our time under the sun. The blood that they gave us is not ours to squander, but a sacred gift from the past that we must deliver safely into the future.

The peoples of Europe, along with their descendants in America and elsewhere, are bound by their shared heritage. This is much like the brotherhoods that exist among Blacks, Asians, and other racial groups. Thus, we believe that all Whites share a common bond and responsibility in this eternal struggle.

The achievements of the White race are overwhelming and numerous. It would take dozens of libraries, with shelves packed tight to the point of bursting, to even begin cataloging the evidence of our accomplishments. We are the sons of Roman legionnaires, Germanic cavalrymen, Hellenic sculptors, Frisian sailors, and Celtic bronze-smiths; but also descendants of mechanical engineers and genius inventors; rocket scientists and live-saving biologists. Everywhere you look, our peoples have changed the world through the force of their own will.

Those of us at the Brotherhood of Europa are blessed to be witnessing a rejuvenation of racial and cultural pride across the world. We hope you’ll join us in this struggle to restore our culture and to bring our people into an age of new prosperity.

The Nature of Our Struggle

Whites the world over have become soft, laying about on our well-deserved laurels; championing ridiculous causes, such as the “human right” to access advanced technology; toying with foreign-aid dependent third world populations; and allowing debt-based economic systems that centralize all power into the hands of a few executives atop the mega-conglomerates and banks. A single well-connected investor often has more sway than any nation’s population.

Our current system is one of globally interlinked Western governments. Those in charge of this system are openly hostile towards Whites. They call for an “end to Whiteness”—an unsubtle demand for our extermination. They blame various historical tragedies entirely on White people and White culture, while simultaneously claiming that we have no culture to protect. They ignore the pain of their White citizens, or purposefully exasperate that pain, in an effort to extract revenge for imagined crimes. Whites are passed over for employment to fulfill arbitrary “diversity” requirements. Whites are declined from educational institutions in favor of non-White students who are less academically accomplished. Whites in places like Canada are now encouraged to euthanize themselves rather than to stand against the wave of depression sweeping their White folk. All the while, during this vicious abuse, we are told that we have all of the power, all of the “privilege” within society. If this ridiculous claim were true, why would we wield this power to abuse ourselves?

In this sense, we have become society’s scapegoat. If another group fails in some venture, it is always alleged that we set them up for this failure, either through “colonialism” or some other conjured oppression. When Whites succeed at a difficult task, their victories are hand-waved as the result of imaginary privilege. Systemic demoralization of this nature is a tool of genocide.

In contrast to this system of excuse-making and misplaced blame, we believe in hard work and excellence. We believe that White people are capable of feats so great that they’ve yet to be imagined. We do not seek to blame the failures of any White person on any other group, as that is the very strategy our current system is so eager to employ. We do not wish to wrest control of the current system into our folks’ hands so that we can abuse others. Instead, we wish to reform our societies so that the world can function in a natural, healthy way. We know that the natural order is meritocratic rather than bureaucratic—hierarchical instead of artificially “equal.” No amount of moralizing and finger-waggling can continue to suppress these basic realities.

Our Proposed Solution

The remedy for our situation is not an easy one. Electing a particular senator, or president, or parliament member, or prime minister — regardless of what they espouse — will not make our troubles disappear. If anything, we must avoid the top-down approach, as the higher strata of our society is thoroughly corrupt. The true path forward is a bottom-up, grassroots approach.

It all begins with the family unit. We must take a firm stance against the malicious indoctrination of our children. Renewed efforts will be made to educate White children about their culture. Our enemies are allowed unrestricted access to our children and they pump them full of malicious propaganda. We must compete in this space or we will be defeated by default. All White parents must become heavily involved in their child’s education.

White couples must become better role models for their children. This means kicking addictions, removing damaging media from the home, and behaving as we want our children to behave. These are the easiest steps to implement for our revitalization, as even the most dystopian system has trouble regulating the day-to-day lives of the people in each individual household. Within your home, you can still have your say.

As we regain order in our homes, we become better prepared to form positive communities. Begin reaching out to other White families in your area. Take an interest in their cultural roots and bond over your European heritage. Organize events and charitable acts for local community members. Start sporting leagues, book clubs, hobby organizations, and online groups that promote White positivity. This community oriented approach is the only way forward.

In your personal life, don’t do business with anti-White organizations. If a company insults White people, cease to purchase their products. Any person or business that praises sexual or cultural degradation should also be shunned. Boycott those who seek to subvert White culture, those who want to see our children sexualized including those who support mutilating ones genitals to “transition” them into a state of permanent horror.

Whenever possible, buy from local pro-White businesses. This will keep our capital in the hands of our own people rather than letting it be extracted by malicious actors.

It is imperative that young people take the necessary actions to form families.  Young men need to focus on disciplining their body and minds so they can quit the addictions that are afflicted with. It is expected of them also to pursue a career that is able to sustain a family. Both young women and men need to steer clear of degenerative influences. It is encouraged that young people set up their own initiatives in their schools, universities, and communities to network with other like minded thinkers.

All of this will require us to grow a spine and speak up. We must be vocal in our love of White people and White culture. Engage in legal, peaceful advocacy at all opportunities. Desensitize yourself to the petty attacks of our enemies. They will label you with whatever they feel is most shameful, regardless of your actions. Never apologize to those who seek to destroy your heritage. Laugh off their insults and declare your White pride.

If you’re sick and tired of being mistreated, the Brotherhood of Europa is here for you. If our above proposals are appealing to you, join us. Become a part of the change you so desperately want. Together we can restore greatness to all people of European descent and we can create a society that our own descendants can thrive in.